I'm stumped! I'm having such a hard time thinking about a new song and lyrics. Do you ever get stuck thinking about something to think about? This sometimes happens to writers, they get writer's block. They can't think of anything to write about, their characters and plot remain suspended until new ideas come to them. I was telling a friend that I couldn't come up with a new song, and she suggested one. So I mulled it over, and I am feeling groovy with it!
The song is from Paul Simon and is called The Fifty Ninth Street Bridge Song (Feeling Groovy).
Slow down you movin' to fast
You gotta make the morning last
Just kickin down the cobblestones
Lookin for fun
And feelin groovy.
Hello lampost
Whatcha knowing?
Come to watch your flowers growin.
Aincha got some rhymes for me?
Doo Bee Doo Doo
Feeling groovy.
Got no deeds to do
No promises to keep
I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep.
Let the morning time drop all its pedals on me...
Life I love you
All is groovy.
Grammar Point...
What is a synonym? Can you find any examples within this post? Write ten examples of synonyms (twenty words in all).
Stumped: not to be able to think of something
Get Stuck: when a task becomes difficult, and you need to stop and think it over.
Writer's Block: a common problem for writers when they can't think of something to write.
Suspended: to hang in the air
Mulled: to think over
Groovy: when you are feeling happy, or something is good ( an expression from the 1960's, but still used today.)
Answer the questions based on the definitions:
1. She _____________ over the test.
2. I wonder if Hemingway ever got ________________ ______________ .
3. I ________ ________ on question number three .
4. Her words remained ______________ in the air.
5. We ______________ the teacher with our question.
6. I got 100. Isn't that ____________ ?
I definitely feel writer's, especially when I try to write a blog. Lately I've having trouble remembering words, I start talking about something and the word is on the tip of my tongue and I can't get it out.